June 5, 2009

Beach Bound

My third weekend in a row going out of town.

As excited as I am to be laying on that beach tomorrow and Sunday *pray for these storms to go away* I am slightly more excited for next weekend when I have NO PLANS WHATSOEVER. Am I getting too old??? But really.. I can't wait to get up in the morning and head down there with some great friends. And I'll try my hardest not to hate on all of them when I'm leaving Sunday to come back to work and they're staying the whole week. No promises though ;)

Last night I cooked for the first time in a couple of months. My friends C&J came over for taco night. (yes, i'm aware that tacos take almost no cooking skill. but it's a lot more than my usual bowl of cereal or Lean Cuisine). In fact, the last time I cooked is when they came over last. J is 5 months pregnant and looking so so so cute! They just found out last week that they are having a boy and they couldn't be anymore excited about it. They put her ultrasound on a DVD so that was just all too presh to watch!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


lola said...

I know how you feel about getting out multiple weekends and just wanting one to relax. After going and going all week, sometimes I just need to stay horizontal/in bed for excessive amounts of time on the weekend!

Katelyn said...

I live on Lean Cuisine... Thank God for those or I would starve to death. Cooking is only really necessary on special occasions... don't the hubby's know that? haha.