October 23, 2012

Pressing Issues

Can I talk about politics for a little bit here?

Wait! Don't go! I promise this won't be preachy. More just voicing my concerns really. Because, sometimes, I really just don't get it. Are any politicians in DC honest? Do you not feel like your being lied to no matter who is opening their mouths. I sure do. So, I sometimes feel hopeless. Like, what does it really matter. I still get out and I vote. Because I guess ultimately, I feel like I just have to pick the lesser of two evils. And if I'm not voting for the guy I prefer, I might as well vote for the other guy, but it's discouraging. In my opinion.

And the whole party system. I know there are people out there that vote strictly based on party. They will vote across the board democratic or republican no matter what. That seems scary to me. I would hope that every voter out there would check out all the facts, the facts that are put out there for them at least, because I think that's the best we can do. I mostly think they are just telling us what we want to hear, but you can at least go back and check out their past habits. I would never vote for Romney just because he is Rep. and vice versa. Makes me wish we could leave their party affiliation a secret until they are voted in. Force people to listen to the actual issues.

I don't like to talk to much about my political feelings. Mostly, I don't like to get into the debates. People have their opinions and your heated debate you are involving yourself in, is not going to change their minds. I'll admit, I like to read others' debates, but I can't waste my time or raise my blood pressure getting involved in them... usually. Those debates get ugly. I'm all for forming your own opinion and backing it up, go for it. I do hate to see it get ugly though. And ultimately, no matter how I feel about the President, we're talking about my husband's boss. You can disagree with your boss, or your husband's boss, but you wouldn't walk around publicly degrading him, right? So, for me, I like to stay away from it.
I got a little sidetracked. All of that to say, while I won't get into a debate about it, if someone asks me, I wouldn't shy away from telling them who I'm voting for. It's not something I'm ashamed of, nor should it be for anyone that is going the opposite way than me, so I have no problem sharing my choice. When it's time to cast my vote, I'll be voting for Romney. Not because I think he's perfect. Not because he's Republican. Because I think he's the lesser of two evils. Because I believe in him a little more than our current president. 

I question even him though, which makes me feel even more hopeless. I know he's not up there speaking absolute truths. Two debates ago, when the subject of getting out of Afghanistan came up, he shied away from the topic. Said that (1) he didn't want to let our enemies know our exact timeline and (2) we'll get out when we're ready to get out. That he wouldn't start the draw down of troops until it was safe to do so. Therefore, not leaving the ones left behind in a more vulnerable position. (Ahem.. that is definitely all paraphrased, but definitely the same concept). And I was all for that. It made sense to me and I thought it was smart. Then last night he talked about being on board for the 2014 withdrawal, saying that we WILL be ready. Hello, contradiction. So how do I know which philosophy he really agrees with?

I'll still vote. And I'll take pride in voting. And I think we all should if possible. It's our American right. But as you can tell, I'm not extremely enthusiastic on the situation. Or fully trusting of the whole thing. Does anyone feel the same way? Or have anything to say to make me feel a bit better about the whole thing? Please, do tell. 


Heather Fox said...

I feel the same way. Though i will say that I voted Obama because I saw him as the lesser of the two evils. Ha (I personally think ending the wars are needed, though many disagree. i stick out a bit in the Military community to say the least.) I also think that there is so much more going on behind closed doors that I don't even know where to being. Oh, and my least favorite thing about this time of an election year is all the negativity. I am pretty sure we can get our issues worked out without calling anyone racial names, or attacking someone's religion. And everyone does it when trying to make a point. Which to me, makes their point mute.

I could also go on and on about the electoral college, and how I have little faith in it, but I will spare you. To say I am intimidated about our future goes way beyond the next president. *sigh*

Unknown said...

I feel the same way, and I love politics! I feel bad for the tight wire society and the media make them walk. I also casted my vote for Romney, all the way from Korea! It wasn't that I know he is going to do a better job, but the last 4 years I feel like my life has not improved but actually been negatively affected. I don't like feeling like our budget is something that doesn't matter, almost like it would be better to affect us than the rest of the country. Why do we need to take the brunt of the blow? I feel it is my duty to vote, who else can have a say in their husbands' boss? And as scary as it sounds to my family I would have voted Obama if I would have thought that our military life had improved these last 4 years.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way, and I love politics! I feel bad for the tight wire society and the media make them walk. I also casted my vote for Romney, all the way from Korea! It wasn't that I know he is going to do a better job, but the last 4 years I feel like my life has not improved but actually been negatively affected. I don't like feeling like our budget is something that doesn't matter, almost like it would be better to affect us than the rest of the country. Why do we need to take the brunt of the blow? I feel it is my duty to vote, who else can have a say in their husbands' boss? And as scary as it sounds to my family I would have voted Obama if I would have thought that our military life had improved these last 4 years.