February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day??

Yes Yes Yes... happy v-day to everyone out there. I won't let my dislike for the "holiday" ruin it for everyone else out there who happen to love it! It's not that I even strongly dislike it, more like indifferent I guess. I'm sticking to the cliche of "we try to show each other how much we love each other every single day so why is this day so special". It's really true.
For instance, I got out of bed early this morning to make him breakfast while he was still sound asleep. Sweet? Romantic maybe? Thoughtful? Yeah sure. But I've done that for him for the past 2 or 3 Saturdays as well. Not because today is valentines day.
Have I gotten a card today? Flowers? Chocolate? No. But he is throwing down 300 someodd bucks later in the week to have ADT installed in the house so I can feel safe while he's gone. And he told me last night that he loves my haircut... even though I keep going shorter and shorter and I KNOW he would much much rather it be as long as possible.
So low and behold, here we are on valentines day. Me cuddled on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, blogging. Him sprawled out on the other couch playing his playstation game. And in a little bit we'll go over to my parents house to celebrate my brother's 13th bday. It's our perfect little day.
I do hope everyone else had a perfect day, whether you are ringing it in with cupid or not :)


rachaelgking said...

I did have a perfect day, and yours sounds like one as well! Love it.

Heather said...

Sounds like a great day! :)