First and foremost, my heart is very heavy and sad today for a fellow blogger, Mrs. P. I have somehow never been led to her blog before, but with just about everyone of you girls praying for her today, I heard about her incredibly sad situation. Really, sad doesn't even cover it. Unfortunately, a few days ago, her husband died while serving in A-stan, leaving behind his wife and a little baby girl whom he has never met.. and I'm sure lots more loving friends and family members. I honestly can't even put my thoughts into words. This is a reality that many of us have to worry about on a daily basis, and yet, no one ever thinks it will really happen (speaking for myself, I guess). So although I've never even spoken to Mrs. P, my thoughts, prayers and heart have been with her all day long.
After April 9th, we'll no longer have to refer to our sweet monkey as an "it"! I'll finally be able to use proper pronouns. I'm all too excited, because the Radiology (not Radiation as I referred to it as in front of a group of people yesterday) dept stays open much later than I expected. Follow where I'm going with this? YAY!! Trey finally gets to take part in something. I've been lucky to have my stand-in wife at all other monumental appointments, and she's been great.. really, she has... but I'm sure there will be nothing like having daddy right there with me, seeing the babe move and finally knowing - boy or girl! *don't forget to cast your vote above.. only 22 days left*
We won't be making the official facebook announcement until the night after we find out. Nor will you sweet bloggers find out until then. I'm sorry, but it's necessary. Me being me, I feel the need to make a big production out of most things, this included. Calm down mum, you'll be the first to get a phone call immediately after the appointment (but you do have to keep another secret for a day), or maybe a Skype call so we can tell you guys all together. Anywho - so the day after, I'll be throwing a gender reveal party with all our friends here. It'll be so much fun.. for the girls anyway! The guests will have to wear pink or blue, depending on what their guess is. We'll have both kinds of decorations. Trey will be wearing blue, me in pink (just to keep people on their toes). I'm going to make a cake and die the middle either pink or blue, depending on the big results, and have someone cut in to it for the final reveal. That's all the details I have together so far, any more ideas?? How much fun does this sound??
Last weekend, my brother and his girlfriend (she flew in to see him for the weekend) came up to our big fun town. We went to the Wildlife Refuge and stopped at a little place called Meers. Ever heard of it? It's a little dumpy (but quirky) hole-in-the-wall restaurant that is nationally known for their burgers. Seriously, it was listed as like one of the top 10 places to get a burger in our country. Naturally, I've been dying to try it. It did NOT disappoint. Oh my heavens... yeah.. I thought I died and went to heaven. Well worth the 45 minute wait, standing up in line with an incredibly sore back!
Yup, that's it. That's the famous little place. I've recently discovered the best places to eat are always the little tiny places that I'd never normally think to go in. See that line? Oh yeah.. out the door.. I hope they know they had a LONG way to go once they got in!
Want more treats from that day?This is the view from the top of Mt. Scott. It's the highest point in Oklahoma. All together now.. "Ohhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhh"
Hubs and I. Excuse his squishy face, the sun was killer. *16 weeks pregnant*
Bison!! Look at these beasts! They decided to cross the street into this field so we had to wait for them to stroll across. I imagined them saying "excuse us... pardon us... just need to get to that tree" Haha.. they are too funny.. so ugly they are kinda cute!
So I was reading this and I was like... MAN! Why does that Meers building look so familiar. Then when I read on, I saw Mt. Scott. Duh, I have taken Harley rides with my in-laws there many times! Great pictures!
Oh good old meers haha this was definitely a culture shock for me as I saw my first real cowboy there! The gender party sounds so much fun, I wish I lived close and join in- I would dress in blue!
Oh, Meers. I think I went there once in high school....
The gender party sounds fun. I know a couple who did the same thing, only they didn't know, they took the sealed results to a bakery to have cupcakes baked in pink or blue so that they would find out along with everyone else. I don't think I have that kind of patience! I like your idea better :)
I know what you mean, I had never read her blog but I heard about her and what happened. It's so incredible sad.
I can't wait to hear what you're having. Your idea sounds so cute!
Ahhh your "reveal" party sounds SOOOO cute and fun!! Wish I could be there!!
That is extremely sad about Mrs. least she has many, many caring friends and even strangers praying for her. Prayer can help people feel so strong, I hope it helps her through this time in her life.
I love reading your blog. I have an award waiting for you on my page!
Ooh, the gender reveal party sounds fun!!! Very creative!!
And your pictures are precious! Glad y'all had a good time :)
Look at you. You're so dang cute with your little tiny skinny face and your growing belly!
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