June 14, 2011

On the move

I can't tell you how many times I heard all variations of the phrase, "enjoy your baby while he isn't mobile.. once he's on the move you're in big trouble". Either this is something people say just to say or I am abnormal. Because now that this guy:

is on the move, life has been so much easier.

Last week (around Wednesday or Thursday) Andrew up and decided he wanted to "crawl". He's not crawling on all fours, but has taken the low crawling route. Let me tell you... he's perfected it. That boy can move. I'm loving it. He's so much more independent. For the most part now, if he wants something, he goes and gets it. Most importantly, there is a significant less amount of whining, crying and screaming in this house. He's wanted to do it for so long. So when he couldn't we had a mini tantrum. Or when I left his sight.. tantrum. Now he can just follow me if he wants to. Yes, he still has the meltdowns when I leave the room at times and he'll sit there like he doesn't remember that he can move, but it's SO. MUCH. BETTER. And he moves around with this smile on his face like he's either thinking about how proud he is of himself or he's just having the time of his life. That... makes this mama's heart happy.

I guess where all of the warnings from other parents come in about how my life is going downhill from here (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect) is having to keep my eye on him constantly. This is true. While he is up and about for the most part, my eyes are on him. I don't mind it though. It's forcing me to forget about some of the other things that need to get done and take some extra time to play with my babe. And we're having a great time!


just ask beth said...

Enjoy every single minute of it, crying, whining, tantrum, pouting, giggle, laughter, crawling..sad when you leave, ecstatic when you return..he is all yours, perfectly made from GOD and gifted to you and Trey..and y'all are doing a wonderful job, because that is one happy, content baby!! XOXO

Jen said...

People have been telling me the same thing and it drives me nuts. Especially now that I will have another baby in two months. Why wouldn't I want him to be more independent? Everything in the house has been childproofed so he'll be safe. Since he started crawling he pretty much entertains himself all day. I love it!

GUAMtastic said...

On the move or not, he is so stinking cute!! Lucy isn't moving too much yet, but I can't wait - I think little crawlers are adorable AND independent....

Stephanie Hartman said...

OMG!! He's so cute...