October 19, 2010

Just Another Day

We don't have much going on over in the Casa de Norton, but I figured if I didn't write while I had the chance (nap time), then I never would. Plus, I wouldn't want that Anonymous commenter to get bitter again with the lack of pictures!

My brother is here staying with us for the rest of the week! He got in on Saturday and we've been loving hanging on with him. He is SO great and sweet with Andrew. Charlie's big thing has been getting him to sleep at night and it's the most precious thing. He is a wonderful Uncle! I'm just a little worried that he's been bored out of his mind as I don't lead the most glamorous life!

Uncle Charlie and Andrew's first day together
I can say that I do not deserve the Mom of the Year award this week! I called our Tel-a-Nurse line over the weekend with concerns of his ongoing congestion that he's had for about 3 weeks now. The last time I called they said it wasn't much to worry about and would probably go away on it on. Welp, it hasn't. We have an appointment tomorrow but that is neither here nor there. When the sweet nurse asked how fussy he has been I told her he has been extra fussy over the past few days. After a long conversation, she suggested I go from feeding him 4oz at a time to 5 or 6. HELLO?! Why didn't I think of that on my own. He was sucking down the 4 ounces no problem and then I was wondering why I couldn't make him happy. I've been starving my child! I know, I know, not really, but he's definitely been ready for more food. I uped the food and I have my sweet happy baby back :) I think I overthink things and look for serious problems.. I need to remember that his needs are very simple. hey.. I'm learning as I go right? Wa wa waaa... 
6.5 weeks old

7 weeks old after watching a Patriots win at Buffalo Wild Wings
*I do have an amazingly cute video to upload of the babe, but after about and hour of leaving this up while it was "uploading", blogger decided there was an error and didn't want to cooperate. Don't worry mum, I'll email it to you :)


Anonymous said...

So, I know I have been horrible about commenting lately, but I have been keeping up to date! Your little man is so precious! I'm glad he is doing much better than he was in the early days. And don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure you aren't the only new mom to do that! :)

JG said...

You aren't overthinking. You're being a mom! (I can only imagine) it's so hard to try and figure out what's going on when they can't TELL you what's going on! You are an awesome mommy and Andrew is lucky to have you!

just ask beth said...

Don't be so hard on yourself!! Remember, they feel like we do.. if you're hot, they are too.. As he gets older every 4 weeks or so add an ounce or half ounce.. I am still learning 14, 10 and 7!! I remember my first crying for like a month every night, never occurred to me her 2 year molars were coming in, talk about mean, she went a month with pain medicine! plus, based on that smile he looks very LOVED!!

Jen said...

He is so absolutely precious!! He is very lucky to have you! :)

One Day at a Time said...

heyhey! Email the vid to me too please :)

I'm glad life is normal, and it's okay that you didn't know Andrew was just hungry! It would be SOOOO much easier if he could just tell you what he wants, huh? C'mon Andrew, stop being such a baby...


Jon and Steph said...

He is so adorable! I think I would probably do the exact same thing as you and look for more serious problems. He's just a good eater ;)