The movers were not so perfect this time. First of all, when they got here with our stuff, they flat out told me (a 6 month pregnant lady) that they would not unpack our stuff. That it wasn't their policy. I know, I know, y'all have all told me otherwise, but I'm still new at this game. I believed them, thinking that maybe some companies really can't unpack. I all too often believe that people are nothing but good and the thought never crossed my mind that they could be just trying to get out of it. Trey was furious!
Also, they didn't use wardrobe boxes this time so all of his uniforms and suits are currently hanging trying to de-wrinkle themselves. One of my favorite frames broke. And his dumbbells and the plunger disappeared. Grrrrr... I know things could have been worse, but lets just say we won't be using them again!
I'm 26 weeks pregnant and Baby Drew is now measuring to be around a full 2 pounds!
I feel him moving around more and more and it never fails to put a smile on my face.. Trey's too. They kicks and punches are stronger. He will actually respond most of the time now if you press on my belly.. usually he'll push back. That is beyond cool. I can also feel him squirming around in there.
When I wake up in the morning, it's almost like I can feel where he's snuggled up in a little ball and it's always in the same place. I think it's the sweetest thing ever.
I talk to him more and more and it's beginning to feel a little less strange.
It's getting a little harder to move around freely. My belly is starting to get in the way and it's harder to get up out of certain positions. We take walks almost every night, and I am having to slow down a bit. I loose my breath quite often and I'm seeing my first sign of *gasp* tiny little stretch marks.
I'm up and down with whether or not I'm ready for him to be here. I'm petrified and ecstatic all at the same time. On one hand, I can't wait to see what he looks like.. to hold his tiny little body in my arms, to kiss him all over constantly, and to see what this does to Trey. On the other hand.. WOW!! I'm going to be a mum. We're going to bring him home from that hospital and it's going to be real. I'm going to be responsible for keeping him alive. What if I can't feed him right? How will I know if he's getting enough food? Am I going to be a nervous wreck while he's sleeping, checking on him every 5 minutes to make sure he's still breathing? How am I going to shop with him and what if he's hungry while I'm out?
I have selfish thoughts as well that I'm embarrassed to admit, but I like to keep it real. Am I going to miss it being just Trey and I? It's going to be a pain in the rear to pack up everything to go out anywhere.. nothing will be this easy anymore. We'll base every decision we make around him. I'm sure these thoughts go away and I'm sure it's very normal. I know when I see that little boy, it's going to change my life... for the better and none of this stuff will matter to me anymore!
26 week belly shot :)I think that's enough information overload for now! I'll be back next week with regular posting again :) Happy Memorial Day everyone!!