April 15, 2013


I've been flirting with this for about a month I guess (I don't know.. I have no conception of time since that new kid came along) but to be honest.. I have no earthly idea what I"m doing. I guess I'm following blogs already, but I haven't gone onto the site after that first lookieloo.

But I really don't like the clock ticking reminding me I need to figure it out, so here's my second attempt. I copied the code so you can follow me over there. Go do it, I promise I'll get my act together one of these days and post more regularly.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Jen said...

I have a bloglovin account but I haven't use it yet lol.

Anonymous said...

it' not a bad as I thought it'd be after I got used to it. I was really sad when google reader kept giving me pop up notifications that it was breaking up with me soon, so I hopped on the bandwagon. Bloglovin' is slowly (but surely) growing on me.

Mel said...

I like it.

And take you're time. We're not going anywhere. :)

Sarah said...

Tagged you in my post today mama!

JG said...

I am in love with my bloglovin app! I can't post with it but it lets me at least read and comment from just about anywhere when I can find a few minutes. not that you have many of those. which is why I think you'd enjoy it.